Here is the mushroom buttplug. For advanced anallovers. Really big he comes along and only wants to do one little thing. Give you some pleasure. His dimensions with an overall length from about 18 centimetre, useable 15 and his maximum diameter of about 7 centimetre states, that this is nothing for beginners. Analsex should be pure fun and not any looking for diameter records. Once knackered the biggest point, the mushroom plug is placed securly and he feels not soooo big, cause of the smooth soft material. His weight is about 400 grams. So, please dont underrate him. Smile. For all those who likes it a bit bigger, he will be a solid little big friend. So have fun, while collecting mushrooms. Like all our toys, the mushroom plug is made of chemically pure silicon without any additives. Best for your health. Available in two hardness grades, two qualities and twelve colors. In his supersoft version, this little guy feels a bit smaller than he really is. So if you like it a bit bigger, have a look at this mushroom. Enjoy. Are you looking for premium? You are right here. Premium, skin, supersoft